Restaurants reopening

Now that lockdown has lifted and life is slowly and gradually picking up pace, establishments all over the country are reopening their doors. As a restaurant owner, you must be struggling to navigate the strange waters of the COVID-19 era. Aside from the huge adjustment you will have to undergo, you also need to cater to your customers’ concerns about safety. Building trust with your customers is the best way to kick start your business after months of idleness.

So how can you safely get the doors open again and whisk away all of your customers’ worries? Begin by setting a safety protocol in place!

Screen Your Customers At The Door

Before allowing any customers to walk in, you should check for elevated body temperatures. Since using a handheld IR thermometer still requires being in close proximity to every visitor, opting for a standalone and portable device like our PFM Sentry Facial Recognition IR Thermometer is the safest choice. It comes equipped with face mask detection, voice alerts, an automatic hand sanitizer dispenser and has an accuracy of up to 0.2°C. Simply station one outside your restaurant and it shall safeguard you from potential carriers and assure your customers of the high safety standards of your establishment.

Sanitizer Stations

Another method of reducing the spread is by installing hand sanitizer stations within the restaurant. Entrances, exits and bathrooms must be equipped with a sanitization station. Since customers cannot wash their hands as regularly as your staff does, hand sanitizers will prove highly useful and convenient. A reliable and certified hand sanitizer is our HandiGel PFM Hand Sanitizer that contains 71% ethanol content and comes in various sizes to suit your usage.

Practice Social Distancing

A lot of the larger restaurants that offer outdoor seating are now solely using open spaces for seating purposes. However, if your restaurant is not one that can provide customers with such an amenity, then simply opt for a protective shield such as our PFM Shield Acrylic Protection Shield. It is the perfect barrier to avoid close contact in situations where it appears to be unavoidable. It is lightweight and portable so you won’t have to worry about installing it at the tables. You can also customize its shape and size according to your preferences.

Rely On Surface Disinfectants

It is trickier to select a surface disinfectant for a restaurant since the chances of contamination and ingestion of harmful chemicals are far higher. To steer clear of any such woes, select a disinfectant that is safe to use on food surfaces. An ideal choice is our quaternary ammonium-based Chemcide PFM Surface Disinfectant that is devoid of alcohol and bleach. Certified by PCSIR and boasting active ingredients recommended by CDC, WHO and EPA, it is bound to get the job done right.

By employing these simple yet highly effective techniques, you can safely reopen your restaurant amidst a global pandemic. Your customers and staff will both remain protected and your business will thrive. As long as you prioritize your clients’ trust and your staff’s well-being, COVID-19 will have nothing on you!

Frequently Asked Questions


Should the restaurant staff wear face coverings?

Absolutely! Seeing how your customers will not be employing the use of face coverings, you should mandate face coverings for staff members, such as the wait staff, that come into contact with customers.

Where can I find suppliers for the safety equipment needed?

We provide a range of customizable products to help you reopen your business safely. Head over to our Shop to learn more about what we have to offer.

What measures should my staff take while serving customers?

Make sure your staff sanitizes and washes their hands after interacting with every social circle on the premises. Our HandiGel Hand Sanitizer is the perfect choice for speedy and effective sanitization.

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